Trust Leadership Team

Steve Taylor
Steve is the CEO of Robin Hood Multi Academy Trust and passionate about taking risks within education and learning from failure rather than ignoring it.
As the CEO, Steve led Robin Hood in gaining MAT status and has a clear understanding and insight into how to grow a MAT from a stand alone academy. Within his role Steve has supported a variety of schools from those needing to move out of Special Measures to Good/Outstanding schools that require guidance on how to innovate and move forward.
Robin Hood Multi Academy Trust has a rich history of innovation in ICT, independence and languages which has enabled it to be at the forefront of developments within education. Mandarin is taught from Nursery to Year 6 and the school has Confucius Classroom Status which sees it work closely with Beijing No.2 Experimental School in China.
Previously Steve worked as headteacher of Park Hill Primary School in Coventry where, in the last inspection OFSTED graded leadership as outstanding. Steve has worked at a national level to deliver CPD on a variety of topics including how to plan for strategic risk and instigated ‘Pair and Share’ on Twitter which saw over 150 schools nationwide link up to share effective practice. He has hosted #SLTchat on numerous occasions on Twitter and currently sits on the SSAT Primary Headteacher steering group.

MAT Finance and Operations Director
John is the Finance Director of Robin Hood Multi Academy Trust and has been in post since September 2017. John has a rich financial background in schools and has worked across the West Midlands region in local authority schools, church schools and academies including several other multi academy trusts.
John leads on academy conversions and interacting with the DFE and EFSA for the MAT as the strategic financial lead at Robin Hood Trust.
Previously John worked for the DRB group as a Senior Finance Consultant and has spoken nationally on issues related to school finance. John’s wealth of experience means that he has a wide overview of the educational landscape and finances and is a governor at two schools where he holds the post of Chair of Finance.

Director of School Improvement
Joe is the Director of School Improvement for Robin Hood Trust. Previously as a Headteacher within the Trust, Joe worked in a variety of schools that required targeted leadership to help them improve. In his last post, Joe guided Cedars Academy to an OFSTED judgement of Good with Outstanding features which was an excellent achievement given that the school had never been classed as Good in its history.
As Director of School Improvement, Joe is passionate about evidence informed pedagogy and especially the processes for working with staff to ensure that all children have an exciting and innovative learning experience in school.
Before his career in teaching, Joe worked as a pâtissier and following his degree worked in the pharmaceutical industry before finding his vocation. He started teaching in the late nineties and was lucky enough to cut his teeth in an outstanding school with Beacon status, which fuelled his passion for school to school partnership work.

Chris Heath
MAT Strategic Safeguarding Lead
Chris joined the Robin Hood Multi Academy Trust Central Team in May 2024 as the Safeguarding Lead for the MAT. Prior to joining Robin Hood Multi Academy Trust, Chris was the Safeguarding Lead for Star Academies and has vast experience in strategically leading safeguarding at a national level and across a large number of schools.
Chris is passionate about safeguarding and child wellbeing, and has spent his working life in the pursuit of ensuring that all children have the right to be safe and heard. Within Chris' role at the Trust he leads the DSL network group and oversees the strategic development of safeguarding at a Trust level. Additionally, and as part of the Central Team, Chris is a key strategic decision maker on all Trust strategy.

School Improvement Lead
Faye holds the position of School Improvement Lead within the Trust and works directly with Joe Purnell and Charlene Farrell. Faye is currently seconded to Yorkswood as DHT for two terms.
In addition to School Improvement Lead, Faye is the strategic Maths Lead for the Trust and works closely with all of our schools to ensure that Maths Mastery is delivered as a consistent and effective approach. Faye currently holds a national role with the NCETM of Primary Maths Mastery Specialist and benefits from receiving not only the very latest CPD but also working with a wide variety of schools outside of the Trust.
Prior to becoming the MAT Maths Lead, Faye held the role of Assistant Headteacher within the Trust.

Charlene Farrell
School Improvement Lead/MAT English Lead
Charlene is the strategic English Lead for the Trust and works closely with all of our schools to ensure that all aspects of the English curriculum are delivered consistently, effectively and to the highest standard.
Prior to becoming the MAT English Lead, Charlene held the role of Assistant Headteacher within the Trust.

MAT Estates Lead
Greg has been the Trust Estates Lead since September 2020 and has the responsibility for ensuring that Health and Safety along with the smooth running and maintenance of the school premises takes place across the Trust.
Previously Greg has worked as the Principal Safety Manager for Birmingham City Council and is a member of both IOSH and CIEH.

Manisha Vadgama
Manisha is the strategic EYFS Lead for the Trust and works closely with all EYFS Leads in the MAT in order to ensure a consistent Early Years provision in all of our schools.
In conjunction with this role, Manisha is an Assistant Headteacher at Yenton Primary.

Kerrie Bailey
MAT Curriculum Lead
Kerrie is a serving Deputy Head at Yenton Primary and has played an integral role in curriculum development across the Trust over the past three years.

Anna Stevenson
Birches Green Head Teacher
Anna is the Head Teacher of Birches Green Infant and Junior School and comes with a rich experience of working with a range of schools in the Erdington area of Birmingham.
Over the past five years, Anna has guided the Infant School to a good OFSTED and more recently played the lead strategic role in supporting Birches Green Junior School ahead of amalgamating the two schools to form an all through primary.
Anna has a real passion for working with the community.

Cedars Head Teacher
Ryan is the Headteacher of Cedars Academy within the Trust. Prior to becoming the Headteacher of Cedars, Ryan held a number of leadership roles (including Deputy Head) and has worked across a wide variety of schools and settings.
Previously Ryan worked as Deputy Headteacher of an effective school in Coventry and played the lead role in their curriculum design and teaching and learning development

Alex Harris
Robin Hood Academy Headteacher
Alex is the HT of Robin Hood Academy and brings a wealth of leadership experience to the role. In previous roles Alex has worked as a strategic lead for Teach First as well as holding leadership positions within school settings.

Jablai Saleh
Story Wood Headteacher
Jablai is the head teacher of Story Wood School a forward-thinking school where she was previously the Deputy. She is passionate about curriculum and pedagogy, and is interested in innovative educational approaches.
Story Wood celebrated joining the MAT on the 1st October 2024 after successfully working with RHMAT leaders from 2022

Ulverley Head Teacher
Mark Pratt is the Headteacher of Ulverley School and has been in post for five years. Mark has a wealth of experience and has worked extensively across Solihull including in the capacity of a literacy specialist for the local authority prior to going into headship.
Ulverley School is the first primary school to join Robin Hood MAT from outside of Birmingham which helps to bring a new perspective and view to the Trust.

Yenton Head Teacher
Paul Smith is the MAT Data Lead for the Trust and also holds the position of Headteacher at Yenton Primary School. During his career, Paul has played a significant role in supporting schools in special measures and has helped them to overcome a wide range of barriers. Paul has worked closely with a variety of HMI inspectors and has a clear understanding and track record for delivering high impact support.
Prior to supporting a range of schools, Paul was the headteacher of Robin Hood Academy where he played a central role in moving the school forward as it embarked on academy status.

Andy Tunstall
Yorkswood Primary School Headteacher
Andy Tunstall is the headteacher of Yorkswood Primary School.
He has a very long association with the school and the wider community having worked at Yorkswood for over 30 years as both a teacher and school leader.
Andy has been a leader in the areas of Physical Education, Literacy, Science and Assessment before progressing to senior leadership posts.
Yorkswood joined Robin Hood MAT in May 2024 and are looking forward to a new way of working which will help to secure better outcomes for children and families.